I often work with women wanting to conceive and sometimes their partners too. Sometimes this is their initial impulse to come for acupuncture but sometimes it is for something …
Acupuncture Therapist – 20 Years Experience
Acupuncture can support you through difficult times of stress, Help you with Fertility issues or give support for IVF treatment. Ask people who experience acupuncture treatment, and they will confirm it produces great results. But how does it work?
As Acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural self-healing process to balance the flow of energy, many niggling health issues are resolved as this flow – which easily becomes blocked or deficient or disturbed by life and our response to it – recovers itself. It is the blocks which lead to problems. Mussy head, tiredness, waking often at night, feeling bloated, suffering aches and pains and many other symptoms.
I often work with women wanting to conceive and sometimes their partners too. Sometimes this is their initial impulse to come for acupuncture but sometimes it is for something …
Going down! Next stop Autumn – Here we go! Writing on Saturday 21 September 2019. Perhaps will be the last glorious day of sun and warmth. This week there was a …
My job as an acupuncturist is to help balance your energies, so that all your systems are working at their optimum. Your responsibility is to assist this process and mindfully …