This blog is going to start backwards – if there is anyone reading this. I was due to begin this endeavour in March, Had just to learn how to use the system and …. I was flooded by a burst water main at 1pm on the 4th of March. A torrent of toffee coloured water pouring down my steps and into my flat!
Could have been much worse, of course. But this was quite enough. It is over now but it did take a lot of my energy and was a real lesson in the Power of the Water Element. The effect of it. Cleansing but disruptive causing chaos at first, then reorganisation. I am working hard at getting clear. Clear of Clutter, Clear of old patterns. There is always some change. Change is good. Inevitable. How so many of us – all human beings resist change and yet it is one of the only things we can be certain of.
Last Friday I caught the Anish Kapoor exhibition at the 11th hour. So glad I made it – I felt inspired. It was like I had been taken to the middle of a wide open space. My eyes really opened, the shapes and the COLOUR colour for me every time. The Pigment pieces that look totally edible and beautifully vibrant. Another world.
It was exhilarating and deep nourishment.