More and more the system seems to kick in early saying to prospective mothers – “well if you’re not on the way by next Wednesday we’ll induce you!”.
Probably throughout your pregnancy you have been doing all the right things, hoping to ensure a natural birth.
At West Dulwich Practice I have found that the Acupuncture treatment to bring baby forth, works very well. Sometimes only one treatment is needed, for others a series may be necessary, I can’t know at once which you will be, we will judge by the response. The appointment is for a relaxing hour – talk to me on the phone first – so we can check out it’s right for you. I am in West Dulwich, West Norwood is 10 minutes away, parking is easy.
It could make all the difference.
This treatment utilizes points known to strongly move the energy, those points forbidden to use any earlier in the pregnancy, together with individually chosen points.